
纯技术:Instagram 架构分析笔记 (附Instagram工程团队原文)

本文转载自Fenng的博客DBA NotesInstagram 团队上个月才迎来第 7 名员工,是的,7个人的团队。作为 iPhone 上最火爆的图片类工具,Instagram 用户数量已经超过 1400 万,图片数量超过 1.5 亿张。不得不说,这真他妈是个业界奇迹。几天前,只有三个人的 Instagram 工程师团队发布了一篇文章: What Powers Instag

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Common foodwordssentenceburger ['bə:ɡə]I think they have fries and burgersfries [fraɪz]I think they have fries and burgerssandwich [ˈsændwɪtʃ]Sandwich the two halves of the sponge togethe


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